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Steve Goldby

/ Co-Founder & CEO

Steve is a lifestyle marketer that has been focused on connecting brands with culture partners in the community for over fifteen years. Running his own agency and climbing the corporate ladder, Steve has harnessed experience with brand & agencies of all sizes, and feels partnerships can be accelerators to social impact.

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Char San Pedro

/ Community Outreach

Char is a gender equality advocate, humanitarian, social entrepreneur, writer, orator, and community-builder. As a lifelong advocate, her extensive work with nonprofit organizations has primarily focused on gender equity and inclusion, sustainable development, human rights, and the redistribution of power in systems that perpetuate injustice.

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Kyle Lynch

/ Co-Founder & Strategic Advisor

Kyle is a connector. He’s spent the past seven years building partnerships between brands and cultural events, and has secured millions in sponsorship revenue. Prior to that he spent seven years bringing blue chip brand plans to life across Canada. Kyle drives business through a simple motto: “better together.” He believes partnerships have the power to accelerate mutually beneficial growth.

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Elevent Research

/ Research & Insights

Elevent is our research & insights team. Working off a decade of research & sponsorship evaluation, we collectively provide qualitative data science & quantitative analysis to uncover the narratives true to any organization.